Scrapbook Manifesto Blog


THIS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!! “Thinking About Nothing” – This piece is hanging in Philadelphia for the LAX/PHL group show. Reception from 6-10PM at Gallery 309 in Old City at 309 Cherry Street. The talent in this show is mind blowing…if yr in the area, be sure to check it out.  Preview on Juxtapoz


WORK IN PROGESS – for the Thinkspace curated LAX/PHL show at Gallery 309 in Phillie. Opens May 10th.

By WAY$HAK on 2012-05-21

“God’s Children Lie at the Edge of Extinction”16”x20”Ink w/Gouache My contribution for the “Wild at Heart” exhibition, opening this Saturday at Thinkspace Gallery, HelLA, Ca. 

By WAY$HAK on 2012-05-17

Work In Progress: Slinging some ink for the Wild At Heart show over at Thinkspace Gallery in HelLa. Opening next week.

Black Lake Nidstång

My new piece, that’s fucking HUGE, hanging @ THINKSPACE for tomorrow’s ARTWALK CULVER CITY in LA. It’s also being used for album artwork for a new band off Century Records. I probably shouldn’t say who yet…the record comes out next year.

By WAY$HAK on 2011-03-31

This new painting, “Weakling,” as well as “Without God,” are both on display for the LAX / PDX show. Opening reception is tonight at the Together Gallery in Portland. It is a special exhibition curated by the fine people over at Thinkspace. Tons of fresh artists. Not to be missed. Tell your friends.


This new painting, “Weakling,” as well as “Without God,” are both on display for the LAX / PDX show. Opening reception is tonight at the Together Gallery in Portland. It is a special exhibition curated by the fine people over at Thinkspace. Tons of fresh artists. Not to be missed. Tell your friends.