Scrapbook Manifesto Blog


Work In Progress bullshit for the FRACTURED MINDS show at 111 Minna Gallery. 1 Month to go.


Tonight I learned not to keep yr camera in yr back pocket while sitting and drawing for long periods. So much for process shots.

Bring the Heat

Drying a piece I need to frame up in about 5 minutes.

Nuevo Shit

Finishing up a new piece of shit for @111minnagallery …


WORK IN PROGRESS:  Editorial I’m working on tonight.  I’m hungry…and I want to sleep.

Back to Business

Working on new stuff for my upcoming show @111minnagallery


Super awesome montage of tonight’s SCUMDANCE show in Salt Lake @blondegrizzly Go party with the boys. @alexpardee @davecorreia @rat136 @ohchloe @tacobelljimhenson @bowenstuff @austinrules @vicback #scumdance


Meanwhile… lost in the frigid wastelands of Utah, the @zerofriendsart crew are hanging the SCUMDANCE show…

Who Run Bartertown?

My last contribution to the SCUMDANCE show…opening tomorrow.  I had one more penciled of Gogo fr Kill Bill, but ran out of time.  I’ll save that for the next one. 


pardeemonster: “SCUMDANCE: Celebrating the Villainous Scum Of The Silver Screen”, a brand new art show featuring over 100 new paintings and drawings by Alex Pardee, Dave Correia, Jon Wayshak, Matt136, Chloe Rice, Robert Bowen, Vic Back, Skinner & Austen Stanton opens THIS FRIDAY JAN 18th At Blonde Grizzly Gallery in Salt Lake City, UT. HUGE PREVIEW […]

Casey’s Dad

Some weird monster sketch that looks more like a pissed-off beaver on steroids. Which is a term we used to describe this one guy’s dad in junior high.