Scrapbook Manifesto Blog
TRIO – A Triad of Knowledge and Hate
“FRACTURED MINDS” opens tonight. Both Nate Van Dyke & myself put our heart and souls in this one. We appreciate all of the help and support we’ve received from you all and hopefully you’ll enjoy the show. 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, Ca 5pm-Late Thank You.
Ending on a Bad Note
One of my wackier pieces for the show. FRACTURED MINDS Bullshit by N8 Van Dyke & Jonathan WAY$HAK Reception Friday March 1st 5pm – Late 111 Minna Gallery San Francisco, Ca Hope you can drop by.
Pattern Recognition I
Another one for the PATTERN RECOGNITION set for my show with N8. And for those who give a shit, the Pattern Recognition series is a set of nine 6×6 inch pieces on paper/board.
Pattern Recognition II
For the FRACTURED MINDS Show opening next week. Also, I’ll be at SKETCH TUESDAY tonight @111minnagallery. Beers for sketches. Probably my last one. See you all there!
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