Scrapbook Manifesto Blog

Apologies to Mr Bob Layton

Commission that I gotta get finished and out the door…

Walking Gusford

Tomorrow night, for 1 night only, the Gusford Gallery in LA will showcase all of the Walking Dead #100 original sketch covers done for the Hero Initiative.


Stephanie Foo, producer of NPR’s Snap Judgment, interviewed me for TOME. Came out great! Thanks.


An editorial illustration about insecure, tiny men(boys) that overcompensate with money & expensive sports cars.

The Whole World is Against Us

Title page for a brand new project. I know, not the most exciting post, but I’m pumped. #thewholeworldisagainstus


I gotta figure out how I’m going to get rid of this bullshit.

The Walking Durps

More Walking Dead sketch cards for the new trading card set. Out sometime in June 2.5”x3.5”

A Looker

This post is for @datswestup & @themarissad , who have been asking me to draw a pretty girl. Is this good enough?

Walking DooDoo

Another WALKING DEAD sketch card. About 2.5″x 3.5″. They’re small and a lot fun to make.

Walking Dead – Take II

1 of only 15 sketch cards I did for the new @cryptozoic WALKING DEADtrading card set, due out June 5th. My cards are the rarest of this set.

Funny Face

Practicing with spray paint. Did this one last November.