Scrapbook Manifesto Blog

The Face of Obsession

A couple of more weeks until we hit New York! McSorley’s here we come.

In a Mood

Sketch of some chick at the coffee shop who was in a bad mood…probably because I was drawing her.

Splitting the Atom…

Close up of that piece I finished last night. Now I gotta ship this bullshit off to NYC. TOME II Show – opens Sept 28th at The Last Rites Gallery.

Forgetting My Obsessions II

Part II of the trilogy. Few more weeks til Brooklyn!

Last Rites

Starting another new one for NYC. This one is for the TOME II Gallery Show hosted by the sweethearts fr @44flood & @LRGallery

Tiny Terresa

The fourth tiny (6x4in) piece for the Zerofriends Group Show at The Cotton Candy Machine in Brooklyn. Showing with the boys, Alex Pardee, Dave Correia, Robert Bowen,  & Matt Ritchie.

Forgetting My Obsessions I

New piece for the Zerofriends/Cotton Candy Machine show opening next month. Brooklyn, NY.


Artist SORROW-1 is battling cancer and he needs a little help. Here’s a piece I donated for auction. You can see a closeup of the piece on my Instascam. Happens tomorrow at the Phoenix Theater in Petaluma, 1pm-Midnight. BBC, live painting, performances in the evening by Topr, Luke Sick, and more. It’ll be a good […]

Brock II

Brock Samson sketch for Morgan.

New Sketchbooks Give Me a Boner!

Started a new sketchbook! I’m easily excited.