Scrapbook Manifesto Blog

Black Out

Warming up with the sketchbook. I had to black out the notes in the top corner. Some things gotta be kept secret.


Comic panel from a couple of years ago. Currently grinding away on a new comic project. More later…

Hellboy 100

Finished my Hellbeezy sketch cover for the Hero Initiative’s “Hellboy 100 Project”. Should be going on auction in the next month or so.

Hellbeezy is in the House!

Doing a little work on a sketch cover for the Hero Initiative.

Redheads Rule!

What we have here is another preliminary sketch for that project I’m doing with Attaboy. Still working things out.

Misery & Sorrow

For the PORTRAITS of STRANGERS, SOMEONES & NOBODIES group exhibition. Opening reception happens this Friday at 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco. Amazing lineup of artists. Drop by and say “Hola!” 11.5″ x 40″ – acrylic/ink/gouache

The Bat and the Beast

Commission for Gregg Spatz. Manbat wants cuddles from Batgirl, but she’s giving him the cold shoulder.

Drawing Ugly Chicks

Work in progress.


Yet another “Work in Progress”. I’m on my way to finishing a few things. Expect new stuff soon. I promise.


Work in progress from this morning.


Another small drawing. Trying to make myself go blind. Rocket Raccoon for a good buddy of mine.

Playing with Randoms

Small piece I’ve been messing with here and there. It sat in a pile of junk and every once in a while, I’d grab it, play with it a little, then throw it back in the pile.