Scrapbook Manifesto Blog


More nonsense fr that wacky DEVOLUTION comic book.

Dr Doom is on Sale Like a Two Dollar Hooker

The Hero Initiative is now auctioning this Dr Doom sketch I drew for Jack Kirby’s birthday a little while back. The Hero Initiaitive is an amazing charity that helps comic creators in need of financial/medical help. 100% of the proceeds go to them. Help out these artists that made all of that incredible work that […]

Boom, Boom!

Another panel fr this DEVOLUTION thing that I’m doing with Rick Remender & Jordan Boyd.

I’m Still Scared!

Some more storyboards I did a while back for Craola’s stop-motion animated short, “I’M SCARED”. Can’t wait to check out the finished piece.

By WAY$HAK on 2015-09-10

Working my way through “DEVOLUTION” w/Rick Remender. Can’t wait for you all to check it out.

Dr Doom is in the Room.

Dr Doom sketch to celebrate Jack Kirby’s birthday a couple of weeks ago. Donated to The Hero Initiative to be auctioned off to help old comic guys in need of support. Check with them to see when auction goes live.


Panel fr a comic collaboration I did with Dave Correia back in 2006. The story was called “CLAIRE”. Dave wrote the words, I did the pictures.

Abortive Process

Unfinished drawing/sketch found in the files this morning from god knows when. I don’t remember why I stopped working on it or what it was about. It’s probably a better piece being incomplete than it would have been as a finished drawing. Speaking of abortive fiascos, the good people at HiFructose posted up some of […]

Tuff Titty

Sketch fr yesterday. Still busy drawing them comic pages. 5.5×5.9 inches.

Bad Cover Songs Splattered w/Paint

A closeup…a preview…of the cover for When the Chickens Revolt​ book. It’s another collaboration between Sam Kieth and myself. We went back and forth with this one a couple of times and we finished it a couple of years ago. Super crusty and abstract. Just plain filthy. The texture makes it a bitch to scan. […]

Chickens Redux

When the Chickens Revolt​ is coming back to life, thanks to Sam. Here is one of his pages. He’s a maniac. I got a note saying he’s 20 pages deep in a sequence that should be 35 pages when finished. Holy Shit! I gotta get back to work on this thing. Sam posted more work […]